Forget Boundaries, Construct Fences

Boundaries, boundaries, and more boundaries. It is one of the most important gifts you can give yourself, especially as a woman over 40 when our entire lives could easily be spent in reaction to the needs of everything and everyone else.

So why didn’t we call this episode boundaries? Because if we want to take back control of our lives, boundaries aren’t enough. We need to learn how to construct fences around everything. Fences are unmoving. Yet we get to consciously decide the kind of fence we want to use as a border and where to put a gate to move through.  Plus, fences give us parameters around possibilities so we aren’t overwhelmed. 

Join our conversation this week around where and how you should be constructing fences to advance your success, lower your stress and feel better in every aspect of life.

The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

In this episode, we’re talking about the places you want to consider placing your fences:

Fencing Your Possibilities: 

  • When there are a plethora of possibilities we can become overwhelmed, struggle to make a decision, overanalyze and freeze and do nothing 

  • Your brain goes into overload looking for signs it can recognize and signs of familiarity 

Fencing Your Business: 

  • If you aren’t putting fences around your business, you’re crushing its growth chances 

  • Put fences around who you want to support and who your product or service is for 

  • Stop yourself from squirrel syndrome 

Fencing Your Job Search: 

  • You have to fence your job search or you’ll burn out 

  • Create specific criteria around what kind of job you want and what you aren’t interested in going after 

  • Have a list of non-negotiables, know what you must-haves

Fencing Part of Your Life 

  • You don’t have to put it all out on social media 

  • Are their personal relationships that need some fencing? 

Mentioned in this episode: 
Are you underpaid? How to leverage the job market (podcast) 

Join the amazing Facebook group of amazing Modern Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career, and life.

Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto!

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Too Public? Too Private? Too Casual? Where’s the Line?


Dealing with Rejection