Feeling Trapped at 50 (oh and at 40 and 60 too!)

Here comes midlife. We’ve anticipated it, heard about it, and even remember being young and snickering the neighborhood when your middle-aged neighbor bought a Corvette because that was the midlife crisis car of the 80s.

I remember at that age believing a midlife crisis was something that happened to men who were trying to hold onto their youth.

Midlife for women looks different. It can feel exhausting, and overwhelming or we can feel downright trapped in our careers, businesses, relationships, or life.

Trapped is a heavy word and we think it’s appropriate after working with so many women. This week, we’re talking about feeling trapped and how to pick the lock to freedom.

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In this episode, we’re talking about….

  • Spending time digging into WHY you feel trapped and even more telling, do you feel like you deserve to be freed?

  • What it’s costing you to stay trapped and when the pain of staying outweighs the fear of going you will make a change 

  • How to redfine success

  • Explore the possibilities to give you a little wiggle room to untie the knot 

  • Draft a plan and take small actions 

  • Why how you talk about your current situation really makes a difference  

The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.


I’m Not Dying But Ageism Should


Jackie + Mimi LIVE from Toronto!