The Underbelly of Resilience: The good, the bad, the harmful

Gen Xers are the proud CEOs of the Big Box Store named Resilience. We owned it, operated it, and sold it as the best thing anyone could buy. Yes, I am proud of being resilient because the opposite of that would be me collapsing under pressure (and lord knows when we get to middle age, there are a lot of pressures).

However, as a Gen Xer, I have also seen the underbelly of resilience, the corrupt, maladaptive side of a trait that has led to feeling like we need to do it on our own and take on everything happening around us. 

We decided to tackle this topic because while we love being resilient, we are also tired of being masters of the struggle.

Are You Underpaid?

Is your lack of visibility hurting your ability to ask for the money you deserve?  You can now stand out, be seen, and unapologetically ask for what you’re worth. 

Save your spot for our Self Promote + Negotiate Webinar. 

It’s happening on Thursday, January 19 at 1 pm EST.

This free webinar is for both career women and entrepreneurs. 

2023 is your year to go from invisible to invincible.

In this episode we’re talking about the underbelly of resilience, the piece that hurt us and in many cases held us back from what we really want to achieve.

We also talk about… 

  • Trusting yourself to have your own back 

  • Being adaptable to the circumstances without crumbling 

  • Not using resilience as a badge or to boost your own ego, it’s a slippery slope! 

  • How we’ve become masters of the struggle 

  • Why we need to ask for help 

Mentioned in this episode:
2022 Modern Gen X Woman of the Year Catherine Balsam-Schwaber 

Kindra Menopause products 

TEDx Talk: The Myth of Powering Through 

The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Healing of Trauma 

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