The Pitfalls of Misplaced Loyalty

Here you are shopping at Target or your favorite store and you have a list of items you need. Laundry detergent, toothpaste, paper towels, ketchup, and mascara.

I would guess you go down each of those aisles knowing what you’re getting. When I say that, I mean the brand you are buying. Mine…Tide, Toms, UpandUp brand, Heinz, Benefit.

Generation X is the most loyal generation and brands like these, are benefitting wildly. They are thrilled you’ve been using the toothpaste for six years and don’t actually look to explore new options on the market. There are pluses and minuses to this for you as a consumer but where it really hurts you is when your blind loyalty spills into your career.

We find ourselves loyal to the organization, to the team we work with or even to our boss. Is this loyalty a good thing for us? 

This week we are exploring the pitfalls of misplaced loyalty. 

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In this episode, we’re talking about…

  • How our parent’s and grandparent’s influence made us reluctant to job hop 

  • How gendered ageism plays into our career moves 

  • What we really owe our employer 

  • Why loyalty is good for companies but not for us 

  • How we confuse our identity with our job and it impacts our self-worth 

  • Why we must push through the discomfort of change 

  • How being too loyal hurts our reputation 

  • Why corporate loyalty never goes both ways 

Mentioned in this episode: 

Fredi Pars on TikTok (our stupid obsession!) 

Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women? 

Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.


Madonna, Paulina, Ashley: Why Women (of a Certain Age) Can’t Win


Today is your someday with Tamsen Fadal