Playing with the Big Boys with Laurie Halter

What does having it all look like for a Generation X woman who owns her own PR firm, keynotes various events across the country, hosts The Carearing podcast, is recently divorced, and is a mother of two? Ask Laurie Halter on any given day and she will answer differently. For her, having it all is about making conscious choices and prioritizing aspects of her life during various seasons. 

This healthy mindset has escalated her success as a female business owner in a male-dominated and sometimes misogynistic industry.

Listen as Laurie shares what it’s like, post-divorce to spend her first Christmas without her kids, how she handled the vulgar comments from an auto exec, and why gratitude and reflection are the paths to personal growth.

In this episode, we’re talking about…

  • How using gratitude changes your life 

  • How a business does not work for the modern-day family and the changes we want to see  in the workplace including flexibility, opportunities for more women and minorities in senior roles, and women pulling more women up

  • Why we can’t do it all at the same time, instead pick a priority for this season of your life

  • Why we all need to create a personal brand and stand for it

  • Build your mission statement by looking at your daily gratitude, and goals for the year and you’ll see a pattern emerge of what makes your life feel fulfilling, build your mission statement from there 

  • Refuse to give in to ageism

  • When you are going through a rough time let yourself be sad instead of trying to muscle through it 

The next two decades are about being fully in our power and kicking ass – it’s just starting!” 

Mentioned in this episode:
The Carearing podcast

Generation X is Generation Next!  

For too long, we’ve been shouting to be heard… sometimes minimized… often overlooked. 
This is not ok.!

It’s time to create a movement and turn up the volume of women 40+!

We’re doing just that with our annual digital magazine,
GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman. 

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Introducing the Women that Made Us Awesome, Our Moms… Linda & Marilyn


Courageous Leadership in Work and in Life