I Hate My Boss, Now What?!

Hating your boss can have a significant impact on your overall well-being and self-esteem and finding validation from sources other than your boss is crucial for maintaining confidence and self-worth.

In this episode, we talk about why leaders have a responsibility to create a culture of psychological safety and support their employees' growth. How taking ownership of your emotions and evaluating the dynamics of the boss-employee relationship can lead to positive changes.

Lastly, we explore your options, including seeking support from mentors and colleagues and how that can help navigate difficult boss-employee relationships.


  • The Demoralizing Effect of a Toxic Boss

  • Taking Responsibility for Your Emotions

  • Why You Can’t Seek Validation From Your Boss

  • The Responsibility of Leaders to Build Confidence & Creating a Culture of Psychological Safety

  • Assessing Your Needs and Compatibility with Your Boss

  • Setting Boundaries and Managing Expectations

Schedule your free, no-strings-attached 30-minute session. 

Struggling in your professional life or business? Feel like you’re at the bottom of the midlife U-curve? Schedule a free, no-strings-attached 30-minute session with Jackie or Mimi

Generation X is Generation Next!  

For too long, we’ve been shouting to be heard… sometimes minimized… often overlooked. 
This is not ok.!

It’s time to create a movement and turn up the volume of women 40+!

We’re doing just that with our annual digital magazine,
GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman. 

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Authenticity Meets Resilience: Tamara Layne, Transwoman and LGBTQ+ Advocate 


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