The Chicken and the Egg of Confidence

Confidence Beats Competence at every turn.  According to The Confidence Code, studies have found that men consistently overestimate their abilities and subsequent performance, and women, yep, you guessed it, routinely underestimate both. 

Why do we think less of ourselves or believe we can’t more often than we believe we can? 

In this episode, we are going to talk about the chicken and egg theory around confidence and how to activate it to build your confidence.

Confidence is just like the chicken and the egg.

  • You need the confidence to take action.

  • You need action to feel confident.

So how do you get unstuck?

Ways to build confidence: 

  • Prediction vs. Actuality: Women are terrible predictors.  What we predict to be our outcome is significantly lower in lots of incidents. We need to be careful about what we are predicting and thus fore projecting into the world. 

  • Approach matters: This isn’t really fake it til you make it. It instead is how to learn while doing not by acquiring information. Learn by trying and go into everything new with a mindset and knowing that it isn’t always going to work out but you will learn from what you’ve tried and lived with no regrets.

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The Science of Productivity


Intake vs. Activate