Gen X Women:

Is wobbly confidence keeping you stuck?

Get the confidence kick you need to finally do the things you’ve been dreaming about for 5, 10, or even 15 years.

Register for our FREE interactive workshop Brave, Bold & Confident.

Thursday | April 27th | 1pm EST

Why is this workshop worth 60 minutes of your time?

Because you’re going learn a transformative way to build unshakable confidence from your core to make the changes you want in your life. 

This is exactly the method we shared with Hoda and Jenna on The Today Show!

Be prepared to leave this workshop inspired, excited, and ready to take action. 

This is not a typical boring webinar where we’re wasting an hour of your precious time.

We’ll workshop together, working alongside you to teach you how to implement our proven confidence-building tool so you can walk away with confidence and conviction of your worth.

There will be a recording, however, you will
get the most out of the workshop by attending live.

“In 4 months I went from feeling like I didn't have the skills to transition out of government work to confidently articulating exactly how my skills and experience benefit any company. That's what I got from working with her, CONFIDENCE.”—Kamia

Jackie Ghedine and Mimi Bishop are business and career coaches and co-founders of Modern Gen X Woman. 

We work with smart and high-achieving women, like you, who are ready to be seen and heard and leverage their hard-earned professional experience. 

Women 40+ are the world’s most underutilized and wasted resource.

You may have even heard us talk about this on The Today Show, Business Insider, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, or on our podcast, Modern Gen X Woman.

Together, we’re creating a new model for equality, by owning our worth, demanding our value and no longer accepting the unacceptable.

Our mission is to make Generation X the wealthiest female generation—starting with you.